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Listing Issues on / tax related

Hi Everyone,


We are a seller out of the Netherlands and would like to list our items on as it is more popular than it is in the Netherlands. But we get this attached error when we try to list. And there is no explanation as to what I need to do.


Can someone direct me to the right place or explain what we need to do? We were able to list items in the past like a few years ago so I am guessing this has something to do with that but again there is no explanation as to what we need to do to get this resolved.


Any help would be much appreciated


Thank you

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Listing Issues on / tax related

So, I asked our finance team and we did register for OSS. But again, how can we let know that we did this?

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Listing Issues on / tax related

So having a Dutch VAT# is not enough then? Ok...that's no problem...After we register and get our German tax ID, where do I upload it so is aware that we have a Germant USt.ID? Oh...also...silly question I know but many different links come up for the OSS, what's the official one?


Thank you



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Listing Issues on / tax related

Do you have a german USt.ID? For selling at you need it or you should register at OSS

Denn welcher heut sein Blut mit mir vergießt, der soll mein Bruder sein (William Shakespeare - Heinrich der V.)
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