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How to contact eBay de if I only speak English and I do not have a German phone number?

I started selling on Ebay de. I have a company in Lithuania and a Lithuania phone number. How do I contact Ebay support if I only speak English and I only have a Lithuanian phone number? Is there a way to contact them?

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Betreff: How to contact eBay de if I only speak English and I do not have a German phone number?

If you look at the legal notice, you will find a phone number that you can call from Lithuania. An email address is also provided

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Betreff: How to contact eBay de if I only speak English and I do not have a German phone number?

Du kannst ins Impressum schauen und dort findet sich auch eine Mailadresse. Ich denke mit englischer Sprache wirst du dort auch Antwort bekommen.

Denn welcher heut sein Blut mit mir vergießt, der soll mein Bruder sein (William Shakespeare - Heinrich der V.)
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