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Return Shipping Costs


I made a purchase from one seller on the eBay. They sent me an item with a defect. Photos of the defect were made and a return of the item was agreed with the seller. The return was opened via eBay and the item was sent back to them to the provided address in the return. Upon the arrival of the item, they refunded me the purchase price but refused to pay me back the shipping costs. So I basically spent money for nothing having paid out of my pocket for their fault. I don’t think this is a proper way to sell items and not bear the shipping costs in case of defects. What can I do now? Can eBay step in here and help somehow?

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Return Shipping Costs



I wrote to your seller yesterday. If you do not receive a response within 3 days, please let us know again.


Since your seller has refunded you the purchase amount, there is nothing more we can do here.


I recommend you next time not to pay in advance, but to involve us beforehand.


I'm sorry I can't tell you anything else.


Best regards


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Return Shipping Costs

Hi Selina,

Thanks for your reply on my inquire.

I already wrote to them and asked for the reimbursement of the shipping costs but they have refused.

Also there is no option in the eBay app (only via the community) to request to open a dispute or etc where eBay can step in and help. I think such an inappropriate service of sellers should be somehow controlled and handled by the platform for the others not getting into the same situation. Otherwise such sellers will keep growing on the platform if a buyer can’t do anything with their bad services. This in turn will result into having more people stay away from the platform as me now. So far I have had only bad experiences on eBay unfortunately.

With best regards,
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Return Shipping Costs

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hi @arnec-29 ,


thanks for your post. If an item is defective, the seller is responsible for returning it.


The only option I have here is to write to your seller and ask that you be reimbursed for the return shipping costs.


I recommend, if this should happen again, that you turn us on and we can take care of your seller beforehand that you take care of the return shipping.


Best regards



@bootyooty  Lieben Dank fürs markieren 🤗

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Return Shipping Costs