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Item delivered to Italy, but not marked as delivered on

Hello to all,

I sent an item to Italy and was delivered on January 8, but on it is still marked as "verschickt" and my money are still on hold. At first, I saw that money will be held until February 8, but now I saw that it says until February 27!

I am trying to contact, but I don't have a telephone number from Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

Is there any other way to contact them?

Anyone knows what it happen with my money?

Thank you in advance

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Item delivered to Italy, but not marked as delivered on

When you cant speak german so why you want call the german customer support? They cant talk with you in english coz they dont understand. They even not understand correct german language 😉

Denn welcher heut sein Blut mit mir vergießt, der soll mein Bruder sein (William Shakespeare - Heinrich der V.)
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Item delivered to Italy, but not marked as delivered on

Ebay hat ein Impressum, @masking .

Dort findest du eine Telefonnummer und eine Mail-Addy. 

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Item delivered to Italy, but not marked as delivered on

OK, I cannot speak any German and I cannot understand what you wrote, even with a translator. To call which number?

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Item delivered to Italy, but not marked as delivered on

Du brauchst keine Telefonnummer von Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz! Schau einfach ins Impressum und ruf die dort sichtbare Telefonnummer selbst an.

Denn welcher heut sein Blut mit mir vergießt, der soll mein Bruder sein (William Shakespeare - Heinrich der V.)
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