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a very strange auction

We got a very strange customer in auction for a product of us. a guy can bid repeatly at higer price even after other people placed a bid. 


how to stop this?

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Ich vermute (!) ganz was anderes, falls einer der beiden sein Gebot zurückzieht, fällt der Preis wieder auf 620€.

Aber dafür muss man des Auktionsende abwarten.


This one?


Maybe his bid was at first higher than the others, then it works automatically. 

Just take care if he asks you to pay over another bank in a foreign land. 

Don´t give the item away before you got the money in hand or at your bank - don´t give it away if you got an email of a foreign bank. 


That would be a false mail. 


Good luck Frau (zwinkernd)

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