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Bad guys between us..

Hello dear colleagues,

I am here doing my best to offer quality product and the best service to my customers and also fair trades al the time. Because is always good that we think about win-win situation, we can successfully achieve what we propose.
I am doing this eBay stuff because I also have extra objects laying around for a while and not needing anymore or just to get some extra money to my budget, but also because it’s a kind of life, you start to like it.

Recently after commissioning policy changing several times I was feeling that there is not more fun like before and this is getting to be too mich efforts for almost nothing .
Not the tragedy yet, but after two consecutive very unfortunate transactions with unfriendly and aggressive buyers where I was only loosing money and honor.. I think it is enough for to start to think about canceling my account and to live only outside of virtual market.

Have you guys has the same experience? Do you feel unprotected or vulnerable here or online in general?!

What do you advise me?!

Thanks for reading my thoughts.
Best regards
ioan E .

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Hast du schon mal über eine gewerbliche Anmeldung nachgedacht ?


du bist seit dem 11.03.09 Mitglied in Deutschland, hier ist die deutsche Community.

Was hälst du davon die Forensprache deutsch zu benutzen.

Machst dies ja auch in deinen Angeboten und selbst bewerten tust du auf deutsch.

Was ist los hier?


Hallo! Du hast doch als Paket verschickt, das steht zumindest im Angebot und da hast du eine Sendungsverfolgungs Nr.  Was sagt da der Verlauf aus?


Du hast die neue Zahlungsabwicklung und wenn ich das richtig interpretiere, dann hat ebay gegen dich entschieden? 





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