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Listings from programmed to be offered in the whole of Europe arenot showing outside Germany

A French collector has interest on my offers since none similar are available, but is not possible for him to see them, when searching for key words there in or at all.

Why the blocking?, since I had included Europe and the EU as places to which the offers are available.

The British listings from the UK are however seen everywhere instead; but my listing from Germany not?

This situation is damaging European continental development and business in Ebay.

Time is overdue to emphasize openeness and outreach.

Is anybody in Ebay responsible to help achieve that now with my listings?

Please do so.

Akzeptiert Lösungen (0)

Antworten (2)

Antworten (2)






dein Artikelstandort:


daheim, Deutschland
verstösst gegen den Grundsatz zur Angabe des Artikelstandorts.
Also überarbeite bitte deine Angebote komplett.


A French collector has interest on my offers since none similar are available, but is not possible for him to see them, when searching for key words there in or at all.

Why the blocking?, since I had included Europe and the EU as places to which the offers are available.

The British listings from the UK are however seen everywhere instead; but my listing from Germany not?

This situation is damaging European continental development and business in Ebay.

Time is overdue to emphasize openeness and outreach.

Is anybody in Ebay responsible to help achieve that now with my listings?

Please do so.



Das könnte daran liegen, dass Du nur innerhalb Deutschlands versendest.


Versuch mal den Versand auf die EU auszuweiten.

Vielleicht klappt es dann.



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