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Page doesn't show payment methods at top?

This is probably a stupid question--

I'm using PC and every item page used to show the payment methods accepted by the seller near the top of the page (image attatched), but this area is now blank. I have to scroll down and go to the payment and shipping options tab to find the info. I figure I must have accidentally changed something so now it doesn't show the info at the top of the page. Does anyone know how to change it back?

The payment info is still there when I access pages from, but not from

Not having the info at the top of the page makes it really inconvenient to use the site, as I prefer to only use sellers that accept payment methods with seller and buyer protection.

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Hmh, @calico_ink  the seller doesn't deliverd international, only in germany.


I can see all information at the side.


Maybe it's, because your account is registered in the USA ? 

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