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ebay keeps asking me to upload my documents

Hi, I want to ask if anyone has the same problem? I get a pop-up massage on ebay app every day to update my account and upload my documents in order to withdraw my money. I upload my document but then i would get the same pop-up the next day.
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ebay keeps asking me to upload my documents

Wir sind eine deutschsprachige Community bei ebay de. Dein Konto ist seit Ende 2022 auf angemeldet. Anliegen und Fragen bitte hier in deutscher Sprache stellen, danke.

sonja@ebay schaust du dir das bitte mal an? Danke 🙂

Denn welcher heut sein Blut mit mir vergießt, der soll mein Bruder sein (William Shakespeare - Heinrich der V.)
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ebay keeps asking me to upload my documents

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

@nuttokm0 Hey. I was happy to take a look at that. As of today, your data is being manually checked by our specialist department. Please be patient. As soon as this is completed, you will receive feedback.


Liebe Grüße,

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ebay keeps asking me to upload my documents

Hi Nina,
Today I received the pop-up to update my account again without any feedback if my document(passport ) from yesterday was insufficient or what was wrong with it

best regards,

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ebay keeps asking me to upload my documents

Same same...pretty annoying indeed
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