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I want to sell some items on I have made my "versandkostentabellen" because shipping is different for every country. When i am trying to put an item online i can't seem to have the option to use these tabbellen? Anyone have any idea what i am doing wrong? 


Thanks in advance

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Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hello @l_biglia , in order for the settings for your "Active Offers" to be applied, this must be enabled in your offers. You can do this directly in the quotation under "Shipping details" by ticking the box "Apply my rule for flat-rate shipping costs with profile name" and setting the offer for a fee. Please give it a try. 


Friendly regards, Sonja

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Hello, thanks for your answer. I see the quotation under shipping details but when i click it i don't get a menu to choose from, nothing happens when i click the arrow. I have made and saved my tabellen, they are there and ok. But i can't seem to choose them when making a new listing.

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