
Good morning, I have sold an item in perfect condition which had a small damage during transportation. The buyer claims an amount from me as a seller to replace the broken parts. I cannot understand how this can be my mistake. What should i do ? I ha...
Dear sir / madamme, I know how restricions of countries work for a seller. I use it . But a future buyer has just informed me that he cannot make th purchase because ebay says the item cannot shipped to his country. I double checked my offer and ther...
Dear members, Good day to all of you ! I opened a case on ebay 5 days ago for some items ( for the same buyer ) that were bid ( on Sunday afternoon 20/09/2020 ), but weren't paid. I am trying to cancel the sale and close the case but unfortunately eb...
Hallo all, What happens if a buyer places a bid but doesn't pay two and a half days later ? This situation causes me trouble as a seller because i cannot make any more offers. Thank you in advance for your help Regards Dimitris