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Company documentation


I keep receiving the following email from ebay telling me to upload the company document but each time I do it I get an automatic reply that the document I have uploaded is not correct.

Can someone help me in telling me exactly which document I need to upload? Because I have already tried with all the ones I have from the government but it won't accept anyone of them. Thank you.



Hello Catalin,
We could not verify your company information.
More details Please check the information about your company. Correct any incorrect information if necessary.

Please update this information by January 9, 2025 so that your temporarily held payments can be released and further restrictions can be avoided.

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Company documentation


The uploaded document was rejected again, surprise surprise 🙂

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Company documentation


Finnaly an answer that is telling me something else other than "the address is not correct"

So, how about we do this, I will erase everything in the account settings and can you tell me directly who I need to add there?

Because - the company's shares are owned 100% by 1 person but it is also managed by a private entity outside of our company, which does not have shares in the company, they are just an "employee" and I am the one that's in charge of the ebay sales and I'm also an employee.

Do I put the data of the owner and myself then in the account settings?

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Company documentation

Hello @fomcoshop , my colleagues  mia@ebay  & elke@ebay are no longer here today, I will be happy to take over your request.

The company structure or the information on the relevant persons has not been deposited correctly or does not match 1:1. In the eBay account settings, a managing director and a beneficial owner are entered. In the uploaded document (dated 10.01.2025), another authorized person (legal entity) is entered. You have also uploaded another document today, so please wait for the check.


Your assumption that your document will not be accepted is not correct. Each time the data is updated, it is required to upload again, even if the document has already been uploaded.


Friendly Regards, Sonja

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Company documentation

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hallo @fomcoshop

die Fachabteilung hat mir folgende Rückmeldung gesendet: 


In den eBay Kontoeinstellungen wurde ein Geschäftsführer und wirtschaftlich Berechtigte Person eingetragen. Im hochgeladenen Dokument ist eine weitere bevollmächtigte Person eingetragen worden. 


Die Firmenadresse in den Kontoentstellungen wurde komplett im Feld "Straße und Hausnummer" eingetragen. 

Die Fehlermeldung entstehen, da die bei eBay hinterlegten Daten nicht mit den Daten auf dem Dokument übereinstimmen. 

Liebe Grüße 



Hello @fomcoshop

the specialist department sent me the following feedback: 

1. In the eBay account settings, a managing director and beneficial owner was entered. In the uploaded document, another authorized person has been entered. 

2.  The company address in the account creations was entered in full in the field "Street and house number". 

The error message occurs because the data stored on eBay does not match the data on the document.  Best regards  



⤷ Du hast deine Lösung gefunden? Hilf anderen Mitgliedern, indem du dein Problem als gelöst markierst. Einfach bei der Antwort, die dir geholfen hat, auf "Als Lösung akzeptieren" klicken.
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Company documentation

Isn't it possible for someone to contact me on the phone or e-mail so we can speed up the process of solving this issue? I can give you whatever you want.. I just need to know what to send you.

This is going on for more than 1 month now since the account was suspended.

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Company documentation

Hello @fomcoshop

I have already forwarded your request to the subject division for review. It is important that the document is correct and that the information is consistent. As soon as we receive a response, we will get back to you.

Best regards


⤷ Du hast deine Lösung gefunden? Hilf anderen Mitgliedern, indem du dein Problem als gelöst markierst. Einfach bei der Antwort, die dir geholfen hat, auf "Als Lösung akzeptieren" klicken.
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Company documentation

There is no name of our managing director written in the document. It's a document issued by the Romanian national trade register office containing company name, adress and VAT number that states that we are a registered company. As I said before, upon first registering the account I uploaded the same document and back then it was accepted that's why I don't understand why it's not working now.

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Company documentation


perhaps it is because the managing directors in the document and at this point in time no longer match.

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Company documentation


The issue with the address has been solved, I wrote it exactly as your colleagues from customer support told me to write it, as it appears on the VIES  site(see attached photo).

Now the issue is with the registration document which keeps getting denied and I don't know for what reason.

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Company documentation

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hello @fomcoshop,

Please double-check your address.

To me it looks like this, that you have entered the following when specifying the street:

City, zip code, street and house number

Only the street name and the house number may be entered here.

Please correct this and then upload the document again.

@bootyooty - Danke für die Markierung. 

Best regards/Liebe Grüße 


⤷ Du hast deine Lösung gefunden? Hilf anderen Mitgliedern, indem du dein Problem als gelöst markierst. Einfach bei der Antwort, die dir geholfen hat, auf "Als Lösung akzeptieren" klicken.
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Company documentation

Company documentation

Hello again, happy new year.

As you can see, I have also completed that section in the account details but I still get the same error which requests me to upload a business registration document.. a document that I keep uploading but for some reason your verification system keeps denying it.

It is the official document issued by the Romanian national trade register office, it is the only document we have.

What I don’t understand, is that when I created the account I uploaded the same document and there was no problem then, the account was successfully created, but now the document isn’t good anymore.

Can you explain to me how is this possible? Thank you.

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Company documentation

Community Support Team
Community Support Team

Hallo @fomcoshop ,


danke für deinen Beitrag.

Du hast dazu bereits am 19. Dezember 2024 eine Email von uns erhalten, es fehlt die wirtschaftlich berechtige Person zu deinen Unternehmensangaben.


Bitte logge dich in "Mein eBay " ein und setze den Haken beim wirtschaftlich Berechtigten unter dem Punkt "Details zu relevanten Personen/Vertretern Ihres Unternehmens".


Was ist ein wirtschaftlich Berechtigter?


Ein wirtschaftlich Berechtigter ist eine Person, die die Kontrolle und/oder das Eigentum an einer juristischen Person hat.

Eine Person, die die Kontrolle an einer juristischen Person hat, ist eine natürliche Person, die maßgeblich für die Kontrolle, Leitung oder Führung der juristischen Person verantwortlich ist. Dazu gehören unter anderem: leitende Angestellte, leitende Manager (CEO, CFO, COO, President) oder andere Personen, die regelmäßig ähnliche Funktionen ausüben.

Eine Person, die als Eigentümerin der juristischen Person gilt, ist jede natürliche Person, die direkt oder indirekt mindestens 25% der Kapitalbeteiligung an der juristischen Person besitzt.


Ich hoffe, dass dir diese Informationen weiterhelfen und wünsche dir einen Guten Rutsch in neue Jahr.


Liebe Grüße


Du hast deine Lösung gefunden? Hilf anderen Mitgliedern, indem du dein Problem als gelöst markierst. Einfach bei der Antwort, die dir geholfen hat, auf "Als Lösung akzeptieren" klicken.

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Company documentation

Hallo elke@ebay 

kannst du hier weiterhelfen, ich kann es nicht mehr. 😎

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Company documentation

So, in order to get the account suspension lifted, I modified the address according to the email i received from customer support. I know that it seems a bit different than in the official document but that is how they requested me to change the address in the account info, to match the one they saw on the VIES website according to our VAT number. However, it's the same address as in the official document just that it's not written in the same order. I don't understand what else I can do or how can I get passed this issue so the account suspension will be lifted because it's been suspended for no reason.

I have uploaded the same document when I first made the account and then it was good and I have passed the verification, now it's not good anymore..... I really don't understand how this system works.




Nachricht 15 von 22
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Company documentation


you need to confirm the uploaded document or upload another document that matches the information on eBay.

Try giving eBay this address:


Sat cristeşti, comuna cristeşti, str. principală, nr. 801e, județ mureş, cod poștal 547185


Otherwise you would have to contact ebay.con.

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Company documentation

This is the message that I get in my account on ebay.




Nachricht 17 von 22
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Company documentation

The information matches perfectly, I have checked it multiple times already.

The thing is that from what I understand from the email, the document is not the one requested by ebay, but I don't know what other document I can attach as it is the one issued by the Romanian government and it contains all the details of our company as you can see in the picture.




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Company documentation


I think that your information on eBay does not match the information in the documents.

You should check that.

Nachricht 19 von 22
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Company documentation

Good morning,

The address is complete, I have also modified it 100 times as customer service requested me to do so, this is not regarding the address, that is another issue that is currently undergoing investigation😅

The problem I have now is that i keep getting a request to upload a company document.. and when I do so I just receive that message that it's not correct but I don't know what else I can upload.


Unfortunately, we were unable to verify some of your information. To continue with the verification, please update the information in your eBay account by January 9, 2025 to avoid further restrictions. 


Screenshot 2024-12-30 100229.png

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